Refill Catalog

  1. 箇条書き項目 Browsing refill theme selection

In the in-app Refill Catalog, you can browse and get other refill design themes with various colors and styles. (Note: Some of the refill themes are not free in the Lite version.)

Opening the Refill Catalog view

iPhone :   Tap ‘More’ > ‘Refill Catalog’
iPad :  Tap the ‘Refill Catalog’ button
on the top right hand corner of the settings view.

Opening settings view on iPad :  In the landscape mode, tap the settings icon on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. In the portrait mode, tap the ‘Date’, ‘List’ or ‘Task lists’ button on the top left corner of the screen and tap the settings icon on the bottom after opening the side view.)


iPhone Screenshot

iPad Screenshot (Note: Lite version doesn’t support iPad)

  1. 箇条書き項目 Installing and selecting refill themes


How to use the preview screen

Opening the preview screen

Select a refill theme you would like to see in the Refill Catalog view.

Browsing preview screen

You can also see the design for the week, month and tasks page by simply swiping your finger left or right in the preview screen.

Installing a refill theme

Tap the ‘INSTALL’ button

Note: It’s the ‘BUY’ button if it’s not free refill theme in the Lite version)

Selecting a refill theme

The refill themes you have already installed are indicated as ‘INSTALLED’ in the Refill Catalog. You can select one of them as your choice by tapping ‘SELECT’ button
in the preview screen.