Calendar Views

  1. 箇条書き項目 Calendar views basics (Day / Week / Month)

Moving between pages

You can turn the page by simply swiping your finger left or right to see the future or the past events.

Adding a new event

Tap the ’+’ button
to add a new event. (You can also add a new event by double tapping blank row in the day view.)

Changing view mode & Jumping to today

Select the tab buttons
to change view modes to Day, Week or Month. You can jump to today anytime by tapping the same tab button again.

iPhone Screenshot


iPad Screenshot (Note: Lite version doesn’t support iPad)

  1. 箇条書き項目 Event detail view

Opening an event detail view

Day View :  Tap an event.

Week View :  Select a date and tap an event.

Month View :  Select a date and tap an event.

List & Search View :  Tap an event.

Editing an event

Tap the edit button
on the top right hand corner of the event detail view. (You can also open the editing view directly by double tapping an event in the day view.)

Deleting an event

Tap the trash button
on the bottom right hand corner of the event detail view.

Duplicating an event

Tap the action button
on the bottom left hand corner of the event detail view.
  1. 箇条書き項目 List & Search view

Opening the List & Search view

iPhone :  Tap ‘More’ > ‘List & Search’.

iPad :   Select ‘List’ button
( If you can’t see this button in portrait mode, tap ‘Date’ button on the top left corner instead to open the side window first, then tap ‘List’ button.)

Moving between dates

Swipe up or down to see the future or the past events.

Jumping to today

iPhone :  Tap the action button
and select ‘Jump To Today’ from the menu.
iPad :  Tap the ‘Today’ button
on the top left corner of the screen.

Jumping to the specific date

iPhone :  Tap the action button
and select ‘Jump To Date’ from the menu.
iPad :  Tap the action button

Searching events

Enter search text in the ‘Search’ field.

  1. 箇条書き項目 More tips for advanced users


Some events have graphical icons on the right hand corner in the day or the week view. The meaning of each icons are described below.

:  An event which has detail notes
:  An event which has alerts
:  A repeating event
:  A repeating event which has alerts

Map View

In the event detail view, you can search for the maps by entering facility names or addresses in the location field and tapping ‘>’ button on the right hand corner.

History View

The ‘History’ button will be shown when the editing text for the title or the location is empty. You can open the History View by tapping this button, and quickly select a text from your input history list or the texts registered as your favorites.

Specifying the event time by typing keyboard

If you are a virtual keyboard typing expert, you can also specify event time range by just typing it at the head of the event title. The rule is quite simple, just follow the examples below. (Note: A space is needed to be entered between the time and the event title.)

  “12:30-13:15 Lunch with Tom”

  “11a-2p Meeting”

  “12:47 UA870 SFO/JFK”

  “6pm Pick up Jennifer at the kindergarten”


iPhone Screenshot

iPad Screenshot (Note: Lite version doesn’t support iPad)